
Glass Bubbles S32HS空心玻璃微珠新产品,为复材零件减重40%


作为复合材料填料领域的领导者,3M 公司推出了其新型Glass Bubbles S32HS空心玻璃微珠产品,以帮助原始设备制造商将复合材料部件重量减轻40%,密度低于1.0 g / cc ,同时仍然能够完成A级的喷漆表面光洁度。“这项创新使SMC成为原始设备制造商进行汽车设计的一个有吸引力的选择。”该公司报告。 


       “随着电动汽车和高效汽车的发展趋势,降低汽车整体重量是保持竞争力的关键,”3M汽车电气化部门副总裁Ray Eby说,“典型的汽车大约有660磅复合部件。使用了我们的空心玻璃微珠填料的超轻SMC,原始设备制造商可显着提高车辆的能源使用率,同时节省资金。” 


       “我们的客户不断要求我们降低玻璃纤维增强材料系统的密度和重量,以支持其汽车轻量化工作,”Core Molding Technologies公司的营销和销售副总裁Terrence O‘Donovan说,“达到1.0/立方厘米或更低的密度,同时能够保持A级表面一直是一个目标。使用3M空心玻璃微珠可帮助我们满足客户的期望。“ 


Additive used for density reduction in sheet and bulk molded composite vehicle parts

Helps reduce weight of composite parts by up to 40 percent with a density below 1.0g/cc

Allows greater density reduction at lower filler loadings to maintain composite strength

Enables parts with Class A paintable finishes


Additive used for density reduction in sheet and bulk molded composite vehicle parts

Helps reduce weight of composite parts by up to 40 percent with a density below 1.0g/cc

Allows greater density reduction at lower filler loadings to maintain composite strength

Enables parts with Class A paintable finishes

Can significantly help improve fuel economy and extend electric vehicle battery range

Spherical shape and moderate hardness help reduce production equipment wear

Enables production of ultra-lightweight composite parts that may offer a lower cost alternative to aluminum in many applications

3M™ Glass Bubbles S32HS are performance enhancing polymer additives used to create ultra-lightweight parts with Class A paintable finishes in the automotive, marine, heavy truck and aerospace industries. When used as a filler in sheet or bulk molded composites, our glass bubbles can help reduce final part weight by up to 40 percent without compromising mechanical integrity.


Glass Bubble Benefits

3M™ Glass Bubbles S32HS offer a number of competitive advantages over traditional polymer fillers like silica, calcium carbonate, talc or clay. By replacing conventional fillers, these hollow glass microspheres can help reduce the weight of molded parts by up to 40 percent. With a density of 0.32 g/cc and an isostatic crush strength of 6,000 psi, 3M glass bubbles S32HS are great for customers looking to reduce composite density below 1.0 g/cc without sacrificing mechanical integrity or surface aesthetics. Furthermore, the unique spherical shape of our glass bubbles allows for higher volume loading while maintaining workable viscosity and contributes to the production of Class A paintable surfaces.


A Lighter Future

A typical automobile has about 300 kg (661 lbs) of composite parts that contribute to vehicle weight. With electric and high efficiency vehicles becoming more popular, reducing that weight is the key to staying competitive. By integrating our glass bubbles into their sheet and bulk molded composite parts, customers can significantly improve a vehicle’s fuel economy or battery range. In some cases, using ultra-light composite parts may even be more cost effective than aluminum in the right applications.

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